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Invisalign Specialist

Davis Smile Center

Jafar Afkham, DDS

General Dentist & Cosmetic Dentist located in Davis, CA

If you have crooked, misaligned teeth, forgot to wear retainers before and need to get your smile straightened, or simply want to improve the look of your smile- orthodontic treatment with Invisalign® can transform your smile and improve your oral health. At Davis Smile Center, Dr. Jafar Afkham, offers Invisalign treatment to adults and teens. The advanced aligner system can reposition your teeth and jaw in months and get your smile looking the way you want. To make an no cost consultation appointment call the office.

Invisalign Q&A

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic technique that uses a series of clear, plastic aligners to improve the position of your teeth and jaw.

Unlike traditional orthodontic treatment, there are no archwires, metal brackets, or rubber bands involved. The aligners snap snugly over your teeth, but you can remove them at any time. That means you can still eat all of your favorite foods, including nuts and seeds.

Invisalign aligners are made from SmartTrack®, a material free of BPS, BPA, latex, and gluten. Treatment is safe for adults and teens, including those with allergies and pregnant women.

What types of issues can Invisalign correct?

Dr. Afkham prescribes Invisalign to address mild and moderate alignment issues, including:

  • Crowding
  • Crooked or overlapping teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite

You might also benefit from treatment with Invisalign if you have a malpositioned jaw that affects the way you bite, chew, or speak.

What does treatment with Invisalign involve?

Invisalign treatment begins with an oral exam, a review of your dental health history, and a discussion of your goals. After gathering that information, Dr. Afkham takes digital X-rays to assess the position of your teeth and jaw. If you have gum disease or cavities, he might recommend periodontal treatment or a filling before moving forward.

If your teeth and jaw appear healthy, Dr. Afkham takes digital impressions of your mouth. He uploads them to a computer program and develops a custom orthodontic care plan that maps out the step-by-step movements of your teeth and jaw. After walking you through the blueprint, he sends it to a dental laboratory that creates your first set of aligners.

A week or two later, you return to Davis Smile Center and try the aligners on. Dr. Afkham makes adjustments as necessary and provides care instructions. To ensure optimal results, wear your aligners 20-22 hours a day, only removing them to brush and floss or eat.

Every one to two weeks, you visit Dr. Afkham and change into a new set of aligners. At each four or six-week interval, he conducts an oral exam to monitor the treatment’s progress.

How long does treatment with Invisalign take?

The length of time you need to wear Invisalign aligners depends on the issues treated and your commitment to Dr. Afkham’s plan. Most people achieve a more balanced, symmetrical smile after 6-12* months, but it may take longer.

When you finish wearing Invisalign aligners, you transition to a retainer. A retainer prevents your teeth from shifting out of their new positions.

To further explore Invisalign treatment, make an appointment at Davis Smile Center by calling the office or use the online booking tool today.

*Individual results may vary.